St Albans and Dacorum – Locality Meeting

24th January 2019 7.30pm to 9.30pm (food served from 7pm)

Aubrey Park Hotel, Hemel Hempstead Road, Redbourn, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 7AF

We would encourage all community pharmacists and community pharmacy staff where appropriate to attend the evening and have arranged a CPD element.

The CPD topic is “The Importance of the correct inhaler device and assessing patients inhaler technique”. The session will be run by Sue Stewart, Respiratory Specialist Nurse Manager, (NSHi) National Services for Health Improvement Ltd and all attendees will receive a certificate. There will also be someone attending from East & North Herts Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) who will present around the formulary on these conditions and the local guidelines.

Send an email to with the names of who is attending from your pharmacy and your pharmacy name please.

The events are to support you in understanding what is happening within your own locality, meeting your fellow colleagues and to hear about activities across Hertfordshire.